- 国土交通省
- 2023年9月
- 不動産価格指数
- 南関東圏の住宅総合指数
- (名目)
- 147.1ポイント
- 前月比、2.8ポイント増
- 前年同月比、6.8%増
- (実質)
- 130.97ポイント
- 前月比、2.2ポイント増
- 前年同月比、2.5%増
- 実質値は、2009年3月(街角指数・一致指数の12ヶ月移動平均の反転)を起点に、CPI(東京都区部持ち家の帰属家賃を除く総合)を適用して求めた。
Peter Tasker : Historically, though, deflations have been just as socially destructive as inflations. Think of the Showa depression in the early 1930s Japan which led to the era of “government by assassination”.
Peter Tasker : Such disastrous economic blunders are unlikely in today’s world. Nonetheless, in the case of a long-lasting deflation, China is likely to present a much greater threat – to itself and its neighbours – than 1990s Japan ever did.
The multi-family rate increased following the pandemic and has increased recently as rent growth has slowed, vacancy rates have increased, and interest rates have increased sharply. This will be something to watch as rents soften, and more apartments come on the market.
Peter Tasker : According to the China Labour Bulletin, there are roughly sixty million migrant labourers without residency rights working in the construction industry.
Peter Tasker : In fact, there are few societies that would suffer 70-80% declines in land and stock prices with such little social unrest as Japan did. That is not to say Japanese was unmarked by the experience.
Peter Tasker : The suicide rate soared by 50%, with middle-aged men the main victims. But politically, the country was quiescent. No new populist parties appeared on the scene.
Case Shiller Index : Seasonally adjusted, San Francisco has fallen 8.1% from the recent peak, Seattle is down 6.5% from the peak, Portland down 4.3%, Las Vegas is down 4.2%, and Phoenix is down 3.9%.
These low existing mortgage rates makes it difficult for homeowners to sell their homes and buy a new home since their monthly payments would increase sharply. This is a key reason existing home inventory levels are so low.
中国が製造企業に出している助成金は,EV 1台の生産につき 1,400ドルを超える.それに,EV 企業に安く土地を提供して資金も出しているし,この部門の研究開発にも多大な助成金を出している.
中国の EV 製造企業は国内では捌ききれない大量の在庫を抱え込んでしまっている.そこで,彼らは価格を引き下げて在庫をヨーロッパにぶん投げているんだ.
ヨーロッパは長らく幸運が続いていた――その内燃機関は優位を維持していたし,中国からの需要はドイツ製自動車を貪欲に呑み込んできた.でも,EV への転換というかたちでショックが到来すると,その長く続いた安逸な白昼夢は終わってしまった.
Peter Tasker : Even today, according to Credit Suisse’s annual Global Wealth Report, the top 1% hold 18% of the wealth in Japan, slightly less than was the case in 2000.
Peter Tasker : In stark contrast, China’s top 1% have gone from owning 20.7% of the wealth in 2000 to 31.1% today, making for a 50% increase in inequality in just two decades.
ソニー銀行 : 米長期金利の落ち着きどころと株式投資のヒント
Peter Tasker : Chinese economists have been studying the Japanese bubble and its aftermath for a long time, but in many instances their conclusions are of the politically correct “it couldn’t happen here” type, citing China’s closed currency system and much earlier stage of economic development as sufficient reasons for better outcomes.
USDA コメ(精米):世界の生産量は、タイで予想以上に潤沢な土壌水分が供給されたことから、前月より生産量が引き上げられ、史上最高となる見通し。世界の消費量は、前月より中国で下方修正も、インドで上方修正され、史上最高となる見通し。
USDA コメ(精米):世界の生産量は消費量を下回り、期末在庫量は前年度を下回り、2017/18年度以来の最低水準となる見通し。
The forecasts seem to be overtaken by events, where Atlanta Fed and NY Fed nowcasts are substantially above forecasts.
Peter Tasker : So far the deflationary symptoms in China are mild, with small declines in the consumer price index and the GDP deflator. But that was the case in Japan too.
Peter Tasker : Deflation was persistent but never deep, which is why policymakers ignored it for so long. Instead, a risk averse “deflationary mentality” spread in which people came to believe that the natural trajectory for wages, rents and stock prices was down.
Peter Tasker : In 2021, price to income ratios in Beijing were at 25x and near 20x in Shanghai. In the Japanese bubble, affordability was less strained with ratios over 10x, but that marked a doubling in three years, and price rises in the commercial sector were equally explosive.
Peter Tasker : It’s hard to make exact comparisons between countries at such different stages of development with their own systems of taxation and finance, but investment scholar Edward Chancellor notes, using data from real estate specialists Savills, that the total value of Chinese real estate is equivalent to 5.5x the country’s GDP.
Peter Tasker : By comparison, Japan’s land-to-GDP ratio peaked out at 4.8x when the bubble burst in 1991. Any way you look at it, China’s real estate excesses are of a monumental scale and purging them will be a painful process.