USDA コメ(精米):世界の生産量は、タイで予想以上に潤沢な土壌水分が供給されたことから、前月より生産量が引き上げられ、史上最高となる見通し。世界の消費量は、前月より中国で下方修正も、インドで上方修正され、史上最高となる見通し。
USDA コメ(精米):世界の生産量は消費量を下回り、期末在庫量は前年度を下回り、2017/18年度以来の最低水準となる見通し。
The forecasts seem to be overtaken by events, where Atlanta Fed and NY Fed nowcasts are substantially above forecasts.
Peter Tasker : So far the deflationary symptoms in China are mild, with small declines in the consumer price index and the GDP deflator. But that was the case in Japan too.
Peter Tasker : Deflation was persistent but never deep, which is why policymakers ignored it for so long. Instead, a risk averse “deflationary mentality” spread in which people came to believe that the natural trajectory for wages, rents and stock prices was down.
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