Calculated Risk : A year ago, I argued that "the economy will avoid recession" in 2024, and that a soft landing was the likely outcome. Looking at 2025, a recession is mostly off the table.
Calculated Risk : Real GDP growth is a combination of labor force growth and productivity. Productivity varies and is difficult to predict, but the labor force growth will likely be sluggish in 2025.
Calculated Risk : So, my guess is that real annual GDP growth will be less than most expect, perhaps around 1.5% in 2025.
Calculated Risk : It appears that population growth will slow to around 1.2 million in 2025 (births minus deaths plus net immigration) and the overall participation rate will decline due to demographics.
Calculated Risk : So, my forecast is for gains of around 1.0 million jobs in 2025. This will probably be the slowest job growth since 2010 (excluding the 2020 pandemic job losses).
USDA コメ(精米):フィリピンで11月に複数の台風の到来による被害から生産量が引き下げられ、前月より下方修正されたものの、世界全体の生産量は前年度より増加する見通し。
USDA コメ(精米):世界の消費量も前年度より増加する見通し。期末在庫量は、生産量が消費量を上回るため、前年度を上回る見通し。
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