Calculated Risk : This early data suggests that the February existing home sales report might show a year-over-year decrease following four consecutive months with a year-over-year increase in sales.
Jeffrey Frankel : More generally, we are left with long-term damage to US “soft power,” to firms’ ability to plan, to the credibility of assertions by the US government, to the trustworthiness of its promises, and to the reliability of the entire international trading system.
Jeffrey Frankel : The whole process — vituperative denunciation of partners, threats that violate past agreements, chronic uncertainty, repeated postponements, and then hyperbolic declarations of success – undermines the once-impressive global leadership of the United States.
Jeffrey Frankel : It is not a strategy.
ノア・スミス : 対中国の輸出規制の解除や,太平洋地域の米軍基地撤退,「日本・韓国はアメリカに寄生していて防衛の対価を払っていない」みたいな主張,台湾に関するアメリカ政府の表現の転換などなどに警戒しよう.
ノア・スミス : もしもそういうことが起きたら,「トランプとマスクはアメリカをアジアから撤退させてもっぱら国内の争いや域内の影響力に力を注ぎたがってる」という信念の確信度を上げるべきだ.
溜池通信 : 「トランプ劇場」に揺さぶられる日々
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