Calculated Risk : GDPNow is an excellent tracking model, however, the January surge in imports - especially for gold - caused the model to move negative.
Calculated Risk : As the Atlanta Fed noted: "the contribution of net exports to first-quarter real GDP growth fell from -0.41 percentage points to -3.70 percentage points".
Calculated Risk : Usually there would be an offsetting increase in inventories, but that is a lagging indicator. This is a short-term distortion and will balance out over the next month or so. I don't expect negative GDP in Q1.
Calculated Risk : The big story for January was that existing home sales increased year-over-year (YoY) for the fourth consecutive month following year-over-year declines every month since July 2021.
My early expectation is we will see existing home sales (SA) down year-over-year in February, due to a combination of slightly higher mortgage rates, and because sales in February 2024 (4.31 million SAAR) were higher than the previous several months.
ノア・スミス : いま,日本と韓国が核兵器を保有していないのは,世界のパワーバランスにぽっかり空いた穴みたいなものだ.この穴は,中国・ロシアの拡張を促してしまう.
ノア・スミス : 日本や韓国に比べてインドとパキスタンはずっと貧しい国だし,最近まで戦争を繰り返してきた歴史もある.それでも,核兵器は宿敵どうしの戦争を抑制する要因として明らかに機能したわけだ.
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